Monday, September 12, 2016
5 Things to Think About
Here's a few things to consider today.
1. Sometimes it's the little things in life that count the most.
It isn't always the big, more obvious, in-your-face sort of events that move us.
More often than not, it's the everyday, subtle things. If you choose to focus on them they can recharge you.
Dew on ornamental grass. The cool, clean, freshness of the morning air at the start of the day. A monarch butterfly lighting on a flower. Rose-hued clouds reflecting the sunset.
A baby smiling at you while you're waiting in the grocery line check-out can stop you in your tracks.
Little moments like these happening throughout the day can refresh us if we let them.
2. You don't have to have it all figured out.
Nobody has it all figured out.
If someone tells you that they do, it's a sure sign that they don't.
Life is complicated. It's intricate. It's delicate.
The Bible says that the things of the Spirit can't be discerned with the natural mind. (1 Corinthians 2.14).
Do yourself a favor and give yourself permission to realize the limits of logical thinking.
3. Relationship is more important than dogma.
As far as spiritual development goes, relationship is more important than dogma.
One of the few groups that Jesus openly admonished were the religious leaders of his day. He got angry with them because they thought they had God all figured out.
We can learn a lesson from them if we value relationship with God over dogma.
4. You don't know what you don't know.
This point is related to point No. 3.
It flows from it.
If we refuse to consider anything outside of our own experience or understanding, then we are limiting ourselves.
Simply admitting that we don't know something brings the freedom to learn and grow.
5. God loves you.
Life being what it is, there will be suffering, pain and challenges.
That doesn't mean that God somehow stopped loving you. That doesn't mean that God became angry and decided to punish us. (There's a scripture that reads, "For God loved the world - meaning us - so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3.15-17)
Most followers of God's Son are good at reminding us of the first two verses of this scripture, without mentioning the final one - the part about Jesus not coming into the world to judge but save.
It is during times of trial that faith can grow if we decide to trust God.
What do YOU think?!!
Photo Credit:
diagram from Art & Psychology: https:goo.go/OoNwYB
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