Sunday, September 6, 2015

Syrian Refugee Crisis: An Invitation to Become Deeply Connected to the Human Race

Normally I don't post on my blog on Sundays.

It's a day of rest. It's a day to be purposefully silent.

However, I was on Twitter a few minutes ago and came across something that Ann Voskamp wrote regarding the Syrian refugee crisis.

Most of us have already heard the basics. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have left Syria. Thousands of them have found a home in Germany.

In the meantime, there are many thousands more who need our help.

The challenge is enormous and can seem overwhelming. Even depressing to the point of inaction. Sort of an emotional deer-in-the-headlights situation if ever there was one.

However, I was called to look beyond the enormity of it all to accept a simple invitation to act. So I did something. One tiny, seemingly insignificant act to defy spiritual inertia. To get involved. And by so doing, to become more deeply connected and committed to the human race. 

And so, I ask you to please consider making the same decision. You can begin by simply reading Ann's blog post here. There's background information if you need it. And there are several choices you could make in terms of how to respond.

You can make a decision to choose one of the actions Ann recommends.  Send a donation to an organization already in the field, helping out. Or sign on to a petition to your government (US or Canada) asking for your country to accept refugees.

The choice is ours. Please, let's do something!

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