Tuesday, September 8, 2015

God holds our future, and it's very good!

You know the scripture, ‘he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.’ Did you ever wonder what it meant? (1 John 4.4)

There’s a twofold meaning to it. First, the scripture is referencing God. It’s assuring us that there is no one in the world, there is no force in the universe, that is greater than God. We should be encouraged and receive comfort and confidence from that. No situation, no person is greater than God.

The second thing follows from the first. Which is, we are carrying God's spirit inside us always, everywhere we go. We not only have access to the Creator of the Universe, we have God's very spirit inside us. That means that we are bringing God's presence into every situation, every relationship, literally everywhere we go.

When we go to the supermarket, we are taking God there. When we go for a walk around the neighborhood park we are taking God there. When we teach kids in our home church in Sunday School God's in the room with us. When we are engaged in conversation with our family or friends, the Eternal One's with us.

God wants to give us a profound understanding of this fundamental truth. Greater is he who is in you that he who is in the world.

That also means that we are rooted in eternity. We are rooted firmly in heaven. We are bringing heaven to earth every place that our feet tread. It may not seem like it or feel like and our experience of this may, at times, be very small, but it’s still the truth.

Take heart. There is no reason to fear. There is no reason to be discouraged. There is no reason to fret about tomorrow. God holds our future and it’s very good!

Photo Credit: www.fortheloveofthistruth.com

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