Monday, August 24, 2015

Sometimes it seems as if God's grace is wasted on the wrong people.

Yesterday afternoon I went for a walk and while I was out it began to rain. Slowly at first. In fact I came back home a little wet but far from saturated. Then about ten minutes after I got home, the downpour came! And the rain came pouring straight down, in sheets, at some points shifting with the wind.
It was torrential.

Everything that was caught in that rainstorm was soaked. There was no way for the dryness to contend against it. Every part of the earth received what was coming down. It was full and strong and it influenced every bit of the ground.
This morning the street outside my front window is clean. It was swept clean by the power of that water rushing down from the sky. Any plant caught in that liquid explosion was saturated; even the weeds, making them extremely easy to pull out.

In short, everything living that received the rain was affected by it.

That’s how God's grace works. God doesn't have favorites and God doesn’t coddle. There are no gold row seats that get you a ringside spot in God's presence. In fact God's word says something about God's rain falling on the just and the unjust. It seems like a contradiction, doesn’t it? Why should a just person get as soaked as someone who isn’t?

Because it’s grace.

And God's grace is undeserved and unmerited favor. It’s favor purely for favor’s sake. It’s not determined by outward actions and it’s not always connected with what is going on deep within someone's heart.

In terms of human understanding God's grace can be illogical, provocative and totally arbitrary. And there are times when it can seem as if  God's grace is wasted on the wrong people.

But it never is.

That's because God's grace is an invitation to relationship. It’s free. And despite outward appearances, it’s always intentional.

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