Monday, June 15, 2015

Paying it Forward: A Humble Story

                                            image of Kalamazoo Public Library from:

A few weeks ago I went to the Kalamazoo Public Library to pick up a copy of Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts. (#AnnVoskamp  #OneThousandGifts). I've written a couple of posts about the book and Ann. The book is phenomenal and so is she.

But this is about what happened when I pulled One Thousand Gifts from the shelf.

I was thumbing through the book, as I often do to get a sense of the writer's style. About midway the page opened up to reveal a note, neatly written on random acts of kindness in honor of charlie sawyer behrndt Charlie's Kindness Day stationery. I opened it up and found a $20 bill. Even more surprising was the note. It was written by a mom who had lost a six month old to a heart condition a year ago. She explained that since it was the anniversary of her baby Charlie's passing, she wanted to pass along a gift, and encouraged the receiver to do the same.

In part the note read: "No amount of trauma, sickness or pain could cause him (Charlie) not to fight and not to love. After giving us close to seven months of that love his little lungs became too tired, and he left us with the hope of heaven, where we will once again kiss his sweet face. He loved with a sweet yet fiery spirit..."

One way I'm "passing it on," is simply to let you know about Charlie's Kindness Day. You don't have to wait to find $20 nestled inside a book in the library to be motivated to do something kind for someone.

P.S. There is a "Scribbles and Crumbs" Facebook page, where you can share stories of kindness, or use #charlieskindness day on Twitter or Instagram.

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